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Walking with Rayn


Hello and welcome to my page! I am excited to embark on a new journey and hope you will choose to join me. I have always wanted to travel around the world.  As a child, I would pour over National Graphic magazines, imagining the exotic places and seeing the people that lived in cultures very different than mine. So far, I have been blessed to actually visit only a few amazing places on this beautiful planet. Maybe someday I will see more. But in the meantime, I am enjoying the journey God has for me, right here at home. Everyday is a new adventure with so much to see and experience, to learn about myself, Him and those around me. 


Two things were once said to me that I didn’t understand right away. Maybe you will catch on sooner than I did… 

In regards to my verbal skills and frequent talking in class, a teacher said… ”If your size matched your verbal skills you could play linebacker for the Green Bay Packers.” And this statement, by someone I was with during a 2 week mission trip…” There are some people you will never forget and others you will always remember, you, I will always remember.” Hmmmm…. 


So here are a few fun facts about me: 


  • I am a Writer, Dementia Care Specialist and Child of God 

  • Born and raised in the Midwest  

  • I’ve taught bible studies, led women’s groups and book clubs

  • I have been married to my high school sweetheart for more years than I can fathom  

  • Chocolate, gourmet coffee drinks and red wine are just some of my (many) vices 

  • Besides my husband, other loves in my life include two adorable felines; one is a purebred Bengal (domestic cat) and the other, a Ragdoll/Maincoon mix

  • I love fiber arts and recently began a new hobby; spinning yarn on a one hundred year old spinning wheel 

  • My favorite color…all of them, including the ones I’ve not yet seen! 

  • I love C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Francis Chan, Michael Card….and so many others. Creative people that make me think, and inspire me to be better

  • In May of 1990 I met Jesus. Before that, I knew who he was, but this was when I discovered who He really is, and how much He loves me


A few other facts, not necessarily fun, but noteworthy… 

  • My father was a truck driver and my mother had a mental illness 

  • I was a “miracle baby” and for all intents and purposes I should not be here today (more on that should you choose to join my journey) 

  • I had my first child at 17 and was married a few months prior 

  • I graduated from college at 41 with an Associate Degree in Occupational Therapy 

  • I believe all things are possible, including dreams we thought were once gone forever


My favorite quote is by Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  


So, that sums up a bit about me, now join me won’t you, as together we go on a journey of discovery. For my latest devotions and short stories, please subscribe to my mailing list. 


© 2023 by Abigail Rayn.

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